newsletters i recommend

My Favorite Email Newsletters

Email Newsletters are becoming, more and more, the first place people go for news, style tips, tech recs, and many other interests. Since I’ve jumped into Email Newsletter design and development I signed up for over 50 different company’s e-newsletters in order to see what works, what breaks, and what draws my eye as a customer. In the process I managed to find newsletters that I myself find invaluable.

1. Smashing Magazine (Recommended for: designers and developers)


Each week I get a long e-newsletter from Smashing Magazine that is organized, clearly linked, and useful. They start with a small intro and lead directly to their table of contents.


From there you can scan and find anything you’d be interested in reading.

2. Photojojo (Recommended for: Photographers & Photo App lovers)


Photojojo always has super interesting product shout outs as well as helpful tutorials, advice from professional photographers, and product features.


3. Behance (Recommended for: Creatives, Designers, Students)


If you’re in a creative field and aren’t — at minimum — subscribing to Behance’s newsletters – you’re missing out. Great exposure, helpful advice, and event announcements.


4. Interview Magazine (Recommended for: Everyone, especially creatives, and fashion lovers)


Incredible photography, provacative stories, and great design. I love getting these newsletters in my inbox. They’re fantastic for inspiration, exposure to new and interesting individuals and I don’t just mean the interviewees. I’ve found several photographers I now follow because of these newsletters.



What are your favorite newsletters, and why?

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