Headshots with Matthew
A few weeks back I took head shots of Matthew around the streets of Philadelphia. We lucked out on some beautiful weather and were able to utilize the city’s beautiful colors and textures to the fullest.
Above are a few of my favorite shots from the day. Matthew was great to work with and able to relax and enjoy himself in front of the camera. Having a sister who works in theatre, I’ve shot several head shots over the years. While I know that head shots should primarily be a generic image of the actor’s face that represents them well for a role, blah blah blah. I can’t help but notice the increased call for more “umph!” or personality in head shots. Some that I see online are truly just portraiture. Others are more generic, but still professionally and well done.
Luckily, Matt agreed that head shots should have a little more pizzaz and we were able to style them more like portraits while still gaining the professional requirements. Later this week I’ll share my tips of the trade for shooting head shots. So stay tuned!