Remnants [From the series: Compositions of a move]
As anyone who has had to move before knows, you generate a lot of junk as you trash and pack a lot of junk. Through all the chaos of stripping the walls, trashing the old clothing, and packing the fragile items I started to see compositions in the “garbage”.
This series of Remnants comes from the magazines I tore up in order to add some padding to the glasses and plates for packing. When I ended up with just these spines they revealed these colors, lines, and textures that drew me in and gave me pause.
Then, laying them across a blank white surface, I composed small pieces that highlighted these three aspects and more. The colors, lines, and textures were what I expected, but I didn’t even think about how the letterforms layered disjointedly over one another would look. They form these hazy, vertical lines from far away, and up close form scattered words so illegible that the viewer focuses more on the form than the context.