Draw Something Everyday: February 2015

February was a perfect month for drawing non-stop, as it was cold and gross outside. I spent many a night curled up on the couch sketching by the fire and loving every minute of it. One thing I completely lost track of in the past year was how much drawing helps me de-stress and relax.

If you’ve ever found yourself sketching or doodling while in a stressful meeting or class you are actually helping center yourself and giving your mind time to process the details around you.


This month I fell more into lettering phrases, song titles, names, and company names. I’ve been trying to treat letters as not just something that I’ve always written, but to explore the different shapes and forms that I can create while rendering these statements.


With the Grammy’s being so recent, I couldn’t get Sam Smith’s song, Stay With Me out of my head, so I began to draw that phrase over and over.

In January I became an aunt for the first time :). I’ve been lettering my nephew’s name to give as a gift to his parents. When experimenting and designing with type, I have the most fun free hand drawing it at first and then refining it either by hand or with different coloring and textures on the computer.

My Website’s Information Design


As you can see, I’ve recently launch my fully redesigned website. The first step of which involved mapping out the information design for how I wanted to structure and develop my site.

Designing the heirarchy of my site was the first step. My navigational elements acted as the framework to help me prioritize the most important pages of my site as well as what I want any visitor to my site to see first. From there I try to map out my ideal user flow.

I counted this as one of my drawings for the day as it’s not simply a matter of mapping, but a design. That’s all for February, here’s to another month down. So I’ll keep on drawing!

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