Featured Friday Friends presents . . . Epalf (Fashion Blogger)
My friend Erica and I were in an a cappella group in college and from day one you knew Erica had great style. Girl always has something on that makes you stop and go “Where did you get that [insert any fashion piece here]? I love it!”
She also happens to run a classy, clean and visually awesome blog here: http://epalf.tumblr.com/
And it looks like we are going to get an even bigger treat soon as she warns, “Look out for a personal style blog that’s in the works.”
Definitely keep an eye out. Erica knows how to impress. I mean look at her D.I.Y Halloween costume?
Cute, romantic and on-point!
As an added bonus, I’m also including the link to the UMD Treblemakers CD Another Song, You Say? Where Epalf takes the Rihanna part in “Live Your Life”. So not only can she save us all with her style, she can also sing gorgeously.
Let Epalf show you the way to great style. Trust me, you won’t regret it.