Series Thursdays presents & Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows D.I.Y. Shirt

After watching this tutorial by weshipdhr. I was inspired to make my own version of the Deathly Hallows Shirt last night.

If you want to do it too – you can watch the tutorial or follow along with my pics.


  • Shirt (I got mine from Target $8.00)
  • Acrylic black paint (Galeria $3.00)
  • Square cut paint brush
  • Stick of white charcoal/chalk


  1. Chalk out the design (I used a ruler first in the middle of the shirt for the straight vertical line. I then grabbed a bowl and outlined the circle. Then finally I used the ruler to draw a triangle that touched the top of the wand and the sides of the circle.)
  2. Go over the chalk with your black acrylic paint. I recommend doing a thin line to outline and then going over it more thickly. It just depends on how you want it to look.
  3. After the front has dried, flip the shirt over and draw three even horizontal lines. Then write a quote from the book. As you can see I chose “The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed is Death.” Which in HP is the quote on Lily & James’ grave, but it is originally from the bible.

The final product?

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