Access 2 Alumni 2016
This past week I was invited to Access 2 Alumni at the University of Maryland where I participated with two other Arts & Humanities alumnae to answer questions and advise current students about Art & Design post-graduate career opportunities and best practices.
Source: ARHU
I love coming to this event, which I last participated in 2013. It’s an amazing opportunity for current students to come and ask alumni why they do what they do, how they got to where they are, and what they wish they had known when they graduated from college?
I was seated at the Art & Design table with two inspirational women – one who has made a career as a fine artist, and the other who has worked in the world of design her whole career. I was so honored to be seated among these incredible women.
Francie Hester is an amazingly talented fine artist who has recently done work for Sloan Kettering. She describes her own work as, “a series of studies and reflections on how pattern emerges from random events, how random events form memory, and how the passage of time shapes a life.” Learn more about Francie by clicking here.
Karen Nasuti has worked in Design her entire career and now co-owns and founded her agency, Nasuti & Hinkle. At Nasuti & Hinkle they specialize in Brand Development and Creative work for Hotels. Learn more about Nasuti & Hinkle here.
The Students
As for the students, they were such an inspiration! They came to our table filled with questions and energy. I was so inspired by their enthusiasm, I wrote down several of their questions. I plan on writing blog posts to discuss my thoughts regarding the process of entering the professional field after college from an Art & Design background.
But, for now, I will discuss one of my favorite questions:
“How much does what you study effect what job you’ll have?”
The funny thing about majors is that while they are crucial to you getting a job, the specific subject behind your major is as valuable and relevant as you make it. I’ve worked with web developers who studied Art and designers who studied Math. The jobs out there are for those who are unafraid to go the extra mile, complete the unasked bit of work, find the hard-to-find solutions.
As my father would say to me anytime I’d go for an audition in a play or try out for a sports team – you gotta want it more than the other guy.