My Life As Seen Through My Phone: December 2015
Well here it is. We’ve finally reached the last of my 2015 resolution posts. It hasn’t always been easy and as you can see since I’m posting my December post in February – it hasn’t always been on time. But here it is.
Just to recap one final time, the My Life As Seen Through My Phone series started as a challenge to myself to use the photos I was taking through my phone and make them into finished works. This year I challenged myself to take it one step farther: Choose a photo from the month and make a mixed media piece out of it.
In December I did a photoshoot with my sister for my website My Friends Make Art. Some of the images made it onto her website which I designed and developed just recently. But others I selected to be my final MLASTMP pieces of the year.
The first is a digital composite of blending modes and solid colors using a black and white photograph from the shoot and making her form sit flat on the page. I contemplated using this sort of flat photograph for her website. In the end we decided against it as she wanted her website to have a photographic consistency that this photo wouldn’t adhere to. But we both loved the color and feel of her pose in the sea green surface.
The next is actually a small digital sketch collage I made after getting a new Wacom tablet as a Christmas gift. There are so many different things I’m learning about my new tablet. So I took this image and cut textures, drew different line types, tried different brushes and tools to see what my new tablet could do. I ended up liking this doodle enough that I thought it was a perfect piece to share in my final My Life As Seen Through My Phone series of 2015.
And that’s all she drew! (in 2015)
Here’s to a new year of personal project resolutions!