Personal Project Resolutions for 2015
For the past two years, I’ve been setting myself a few year-long continuous projects to help inspire and motivate me. In this post I’ll introduce my personal project challenges for the year 2015.
1. Draw Something Everyday
Last year went by rather quickly and while I worked on several web and photography projects, I really let my drawing and mixed media work fall by the wayside. In an effort to prevent myself from letting this lapse occur again, I’ve set myself this simple challenge. Draw something – anything; big or small – once a day, everyday for the entire year.
Each month, I’ll post a selection of my favorite drawings from the previous month and describe any struggles or successes as I see them occur.
2. My Life As Seen Through My Phone | Volume III
For the past two years I’ve been continuing this series called My Life As Seen Through My Phone. The first year, was just documenting things I saw and enjoyed. The second year, I made myself select a theme every month and photograph and curate my images based on that theme for that specific month.
This year, to go along with my initiative to motivate and inspire more mixed media work, I’ve come up with a new MLaSTMP challenge. Each month I’ll photograph whatever inspires and grabs me. Then at the end of the month, I’ll select a single image and create a mixed media piece from it. I’ll post this finalized piece with any comments or notes about the process or inspiration.
3. #PhillyBucketList
Last year I had a friend move away from Philadelphia. Before she left we made a list of things that were unique and special to Philadelphia. I began to document some of the things we were able to do on the list and posted them on my blog.
This year, I’d like to continue this series by featuring more unique and fun things that should be on any tourist or lifer of Philadelphia. I’ll post this series with hashtag #PhillyBucketList.