Series Thursday presents . . . The Vibe of Philly
As Brian Linton, our Founder and Chief Trash Collector, travels around and meets people he f inds that most usually assume United By Blue is located in a beach area, and many are surprised to f ind out it’s in a city.
I keep thinking about how unique that makes UBB’s brand from other Ocean/Watercentric businesses. With our new Spring/Summer line coming out I created a photo shoot concept where we use the staff as models of our clothes & bags in our favorite places of Philadelphia; to create a visual link between UBB’s products and the City of Brotherly Love.
– United By Blue Summer Line 2011
Any of these shirts and bags are available at:
The goals of this photo shoot extend beyond just aesthetic. I hope these images invite discussion, introduce our staff and city, and emphasize our message. I want people to see that UBB’s clothes are not simply for beach locales. People are eco-aware all over the nation – landlocked or not – and I want them to see how these shir ts thrive in an urban context.
I chose to have our stunning staff model these clothes to show off the different personalities that embrace the UBB message. The issues embodied by the UBB brand and some of the issues featured on the shir ts are real and I f ind it essential to feature real people wearing them.
Shooting these photographs is a fascinating, new, diff icult at times, yet really fun project.
If you have ever put a camera in a friends face you know how hard it is to take a photo that pleases everyone. After the initial awkward “What do I do’s?” Everyone gets into the modeling process. The shoot generated some interesting conversations, compliments from strangers on the street, and lots of laughs.
United By Blue’s message shows people how we are all responsible for the health of our oceans and water ways as we are all connected by the blue around us.
As Photographer & Videographer it is my job to make sure people are continually exposed to UBB’s message and the current, relevant issues around the world. Our goals are more than informational, we hope to educate the public as well as encourage discourse that leads to the exchanging of thoughts, personal opinions, and inspiration to get involved. These images show how connected we are by the current events of the world, the power of ideas, and the insistent interaction of messages that are greater than a single voice.